Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Beginings.

A new begining. A fresh Start. A green Leaf. A moment in time that I realise being 24 is being very young in the scheme of life ahead. A rare excitement of starting afresh with life, with attitudes, with learning, with everything with the humility of an absolute fool with the enlightment that comes with the realisation of being a fool.

Architecture is not a profession, it is a reponsibility and an obligation towards the society we live in. So in this quest to fulfil my responsibility and obligation I set out with a blank mind in search of directions, teachers, philosophies and influences that will become my way of life.

Tadao Ando - The Great Japanese Master. My quest begins here. Looking up for refrences for a house design, it was the first time I looked at Tadao Ando seriously. And at that instant I realised how important it is to have masters who influence your thought, philosophies and ideas that make what you become for the rest of your life.
As students, I think we should be encouraged to find our 'gurus' early in our lives through extensive reading and research. Be open to all, open to the influences of the 'fad', open to the timeless creations of history, open to the futuristic projections of tomorrow. With time you will realise who and where you really seek to be. Great architecture comes with time and experience. As students the emphasis should be laid on finding that direction.

I am simply overwhelmed at finding master Tadao Ando. My learning begins here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy to know you have realised the direction in which you want to go. I like what you have written for students.Cheers to a new beginning.

  3. :) Very illuminating post. Good luck with the fresh start Thingy! See you around sometime :) Cheers!

  4. Thanks guys for dropping in...very pleasant to see you all here! :)
